He shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.
We have both a sound belief and firm foundation of what we as a body of believers at OCF know to be true. We are currently in the process of putting pen to paper that would make clear what foundation we stand upon. Such a document shall be known as our Article Of Faith.

It says in 1 Corinthians 3:

Every man's work shall be tested and revealed by fire.

The development of the Article Of Faith is not to be rushed, but each point drafted with much prayer and consideration by the eldership and those of a spiritual understanding. In the meantime, may the following non-exhaustive brief points serve as a guide to the beliefs held by OCF:

  • We believe the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God.
  • We believe in the trinity - one God, three persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the virgin birth.
  • We believe Jesus is the Son of God and lived a sinless life, atoned for the sins of mankind once and for evermore.
  • We believe in his resurrection and ascension and eventual return.
  • We believe in the fall of man.
  • We believe that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that a believer shall spend an eternity in the presence of God.
  • We believe that the five-fold ministry is for today.
  • We believe in a believers baptism.
  • We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and an immediate evidence, typically speaking in other tongues.
  • We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today, including healings, miracles, prophecies, discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues.